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Before waking up with searing back pain, I dreamed that I was recording a video journal. I decided that at least for now, I will try to journal again. I’m not going to bother telling my prior “story”, I’m just going to start where I am now. I will write a little introduction.

My chosen name is Felix Anton [Last name not comfortable putting here at this point]. I have schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type, PTSD, and generalized anxiety disorder, and something else that’s currently undetermined, but probably either lupus or rheumatoid arthritis (I am seeing a specialist). I am transgenderish. I am in physical pain all the time, and mental pain most of the time. I am 27 years old and married. I escape through the internet most of the time. I am a furry who is uncomfortable with being called a furry. I love animals and would like to someday be a marine biologist or animal psychologist, and I plan to move to Florida from Pittsburgh later this year to start working on that. I currently have four cats: Quatloo, who is blind, Quark, who is fat, Honey, who has a snaggletooth, and Zephram, who is a kitten. I also have two rats, a corn snake, a leopard gecko, and two fish.

My favorite thing in the world is going to get bubble tea at InsaniTea in the Monroeville mall. Willian and Sara are great people and I’ll be very sad when we move to Florida and won’t be able to see them anymore. They have a painting of mine hanging in their shop – I draw and paint, mostly animals and animal people. The painting I did for them is of a cat drinking bubble tea.

Quark is acting out because he wants treats. He’s chewing/destroying everything he can find. I just pulled a length of string from a halloween decoration out of his throat.

I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to keep up a journal, but I’m going to try. God knows I have nothing else going on. Either way, I’ve written something for today, and now my brain is starting to turn into mush, so I’ll stop. Hello, goodbye.

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